12 Days of Decluttering Challenge - Day 2 (Copy)
Hey there and welcome to Day #2 of the 12 Days of Decluttering Challenege. I am so excited to do this right along with you for the next 11 days. The purpose of this challenge is to cleanse our homes of the obviously unncessary. If you are just joining us, hop back to day one for your first mission. Here is our plan for day 2:
Today’s purpose is to practice completing one task before we start another. We can practice this organizing skill by putting away all the remaining Halloween, Fall and all the other holidays that may be around your house before we get out the other holiday decor. Yes, you may have already gotten out all of your holiday decor. That’s okay. Start with where you are and lets hop to it. Here’s what to do:
Grab a large bin or basket and walk through your entire house room by room. Place anything decorwise that does not belong in the bin.
Divide the items you collected into like categories: fall, halloween, easter, etc. I recommend keeping your categories broad like the holiday or season rather than narrow like costumes, pumpkins, etc.
Contain. Place each category in a a container and label. If there are items in your current bins that you did not use, consider if its worth keeping them.
“(being sure) that the amount of decorations you have feels celebratory and not suffocating”
Congrats! You have completed Day 2 of the 12 Days of Decluttering Challenge. I am so incredibly proud of you. Here are a few things to consider as you wrap up the day:
Consider investing in clear storage bins so you can see what you have and keep things away from bugs and dust.
Make sure you labeled each and every bin.
See you tomorrow for Day #3!