3 ways to increase your closet space

…without doing a full closet renovation. Here are three ideas for maximizing the space in your closet. Scroll to the end for a discount code from my partnership with All Hung Up!

  1. Remove non-clothing related items

We've all got (including myself!) non-clothing things sharing our beloved and limited clothing space. If things are feeling a little tight and you can’t find what you need amidst all the stuff, it may be time to consider a relocation for those other items. Currently my closet is also housing decorations for three upcoming baby showers, extra toys for the boys, and most recently, our art cart. Which is all fine, until I run out of room! I really like this option for increasing your closet space because it doesn’t require getting rid of or trying on any clothes. What do you think?


2. Declutter and keep only what you wear, fits you right now and love.

Okay, this one requires a little more effort. But if you don’t want to try on 10,000 things that don’t fit before finding that glass slipper outfit every time you go to get dressed, then a good closet clean out might be in order.

3. Invest in matching hangers.

One of the easisest solutions to maximize closet space and streamline your clothing is matching hangers. Linking some of my favorites below. Whichever option you chose, it will be easier to see, wear and enjoy your clothing.

Use code: ORGNASH for 10% off your purchase with All Hung Up.

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