Operation: Declutter

And just like that… its a new year. Welcome to 2022! I asked y’all recently what you’d like to see in 2022 and hands down you voted for a reboot of the 12 days of decluttering challenge. So if you missed our first run at the beginning of December, you are in luck – we are revisiting this challenge to kick off 2022. And this time, I’m including some new challenges to get us in gear for the new year.

If you already joined us for the 12 days of decluttering challenge in December 2021, have no fear. I’ve created new challenges for 2022 that will help you meet your decluttering goals. And while there are some duplicated, just count those as a win and kick your heels up on those days.

Are you ready? Let Opearation: Declutter Commence. Here is our line up of challenges:

  • Day 1: Write out three goals of 2022. You can read more about writing goals and what mine are for 2022 here.

  • Day 2: Take down and put away all your Christmas décor. Here are some great storage ideas.

  • Day 3: Purge the toys. (See my top tips here and here!)

  • Day 4: Go on a spending freeze until the challenge is over. Can you do it?

  • Day 5: Institute a menu board for meal planning. Bonus points and gold stars if you create a menu binder and list of 21 of your go-to meals.

  • Day 6: Discard all packaging and boxes and manuals.

  • Day 7: By popular demand —> Clean out and organize your car. I will have a full post launch on day 7.

  • Day 8: One in One out rule day! Use the one in one out rule and get rid of one thing for every new thing you acquired. Use this technique and take stock of all the new gifts, toys, clothes and fun things you brought into your house over the holiday season.

  • Day 9: Pantry and fridge clean out. Not only are you going to get rid of expired canned goods, condiments and food items but also make your fridge shine. Take everything out, wipe down your surfaces and clean it before putting items back.

  • Day 10: Declutter under your sinks – bathrooms and kitchen.

  • Day 11: Declutter coffee mugs and small kitchen appliances you rarely use (or don’t have room for!). I’ll share tips for deciding what stays and what goes on Instagram Stories!

  • Day 12: Donation day. Place a donate bin at the base of your closet. In kid’s room place a bin for clothes that are too small. Take all of you donations to a local center. Place trash in trash bins and tidy up the house. Enjoy your decluttered home.


Organize: Your Car


5 Favorite Organizing Projects of 2021