Why we stopped shopping at Costco

I love Costco. I love that every time we go, there is something different and new to try. I love the feeling that I am getting a deal no matter what I buy. I love eating my way through the store. I love the cheap plants, holiday items and all of the office supplies BUT….


two years ago Ty and I were maintaining our laundry room and we found shampoo, conditioner, body wash and razor blades that were 3 years old. Yep, we had bought in bulk and it wasn’t serving us. In fact, we had so many bottles, we couldn’t see what we had (breaking my own rules here!). See we have always lived in a small(er) space — 2B/2B condo and 3B/2B homes. Not NYC apartment tiny but not McMansion storage overflowing either. For us, the bulk was becoming a problem — like I was having to jenga in bulk paper towels and toilet paper into closets. Our laundry detergent was too big for the cupboard (albeit it was cheap!). We couldn’t see what we had and we were always feeling short on space JUST because we were buying things that didn’t fit in our space. For us, it was totally unnecessary to buy a 24 pack of toilet paper when we only had room for 12. Who needs to stare at TP on your bathroom floor for three months? Not me.


So, now in the name of sanity, organization and following my own rules (See it. Use it. Enjoy it.) we buy things that actually fit our space. The benefits are tremendous. We know what we have and don’t buy extras just because we didn’t know we have it. That in and of itself makes up for the bulk discount.

But, big box stores aren’t all bad. Here are a few times a year I do find them helpful:

  1. Shopping for Christmas gifts (Their gift card deals are unreal!)

  2. Landscaping and Plants

  3. Big Parties (I love their beef tenderloins, cheese and veggies for a big crowd).

Tell me, do you shop big box retailers for bulk items?

See it. Use it. Enjoy it.


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